Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Go Vegan Mate..!!

1. Helping animals also helps the global poor:

While there is ample and justified moral indignation about the diversion of millions of tonnes of grain for biofuels, more than seven times as much is fed to farmed animals so that people can eat meat. Is the diversion of crops to our cars a moral issue? Yes, and a complex one, but not as pressing as the issue that meat-eating is.

2. Eating meat supports cruelty to animals:

The green pastures and idyllic barnyard scenes of years past are now distant memories. On today's factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy windowless sheds, wire cages, gestation crates and other confined spaces. These animals will never raise families, root in the soil, build nests, or do anything else that is natural and important to them. They won't even get to feel the warmth of the sun on their backs or breathe fresh air until the day they are loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.

3. Eating meat is bad for the environment:

A recent United Nations report entitled Livestock's Long Shadow concluded that eating meat is "one of the . significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global."

For example, eating meat causes almost 40 per cent more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks and planes in the world combined.

The report concludes that the meat industry "should be a major policy focus when dealing with problems of land degradation, climate change and air pollution, water shortage and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity."

4. Avoid bird flu:

The World Health Organisation says that if the avian flu virus mutates, it could be caught simply by eating undercooked chicken or eggs, eating food prepared on the same cutting board as infected meat or eggs, or even touching eggshells contaminated with the disease. Other problems with factory farming – from foot-and-mouth to SARS – can be avoided with a general shift to a vegetarian diet.

5. If you wouldn't eat a dog, you shouldn't eat a chicken:

Several recent studies have shown that chickens are bright animals who are able to solve complex problems, demonstrate self-control and worry about the future. Chickens are smarter than cats and dogs and even do some things that have not yet been seen in mammals other than primates. Dr Chris Evans, who studies animal behavior and communication at Macquarie University in Australia, says, "As a trick at conferences I sometimes list these attributes, without mentioning chickens, and people think I'm talking about monkeys."

6. Heart disease and cancer are big killers:

Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health and provide protection against numerous diseases, including the United States’ three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer and strokes.

7. Fitting into that tiny bikini:

Vegetarianism is also the ultimate weight-loss diet, since vegetarians are one-third as likely to be obese as meat-eaters, and vegans are about one-tenth as likely to be obese. Of course, there are overweight vegans, just as there are skinny meat-eaters. But on average, vegans are 10 to 20 per cent lighter than meat-eaters.

8. Global peace:

Leo Tolstoy claimed that "vegetarianism is the taproot of humanitarianism". His point? For people who wish to sow the seeds of peace, we should be eating as peaceful a diet as possible. Eating meat supports killing animals, for no reason other than humans acquired taste for animals' flesh. Great humanitarians from Tolstoy to Mahatma Gandhi have argued that a vegetarian diet is the only one for people who want to make the world a kinder place.

9. The joy of veggies:

As the growing range of vegetarian cookbooks and restaurants shows, veggies rock. People report that when they adopt a vegetarian diet, their range of foods explodes from a centre-of-the-plate meat item to grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables that they didn't even know existed.

FAMILY - The biggest support system I know..!!

Well, true to its word, this is what I find invaluable..!! I have been thru so much and they continue to be by my side wch really makes me feel so blessed..!! I really want to make up for all the time thtz lost and put thru a point wch makes them feel proud..!!

Wish me luck guys, I need it all..!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Suryange Torcha & Derivatives..!!

1. Suryange torcha

2. Autoge standa

3. Akkamahadevi ge wig ga

4. Reliance mobilege simma,

5. Puttammange Poema

6. Police ge Bandooka

7. Windows ge GUI na

8. Mouse ge buttona

9. Windows ge window

10. Windows ge kitki na

11. Linux ge open coda

12. C++ ge incrementa

13. Sardar ge joke a?

14. Gaandhaarige makla

15. Guruvige paatha na

16. Conductor ge ticket a?

17. Gandhi ge upavaasa na

18. Gatar ge kasa na

19. Samudrakke uppa

20. Kurudange color blindnessa?

21. Akashakke neeli na

22. Policege Slataa ??

23. Radioge Cassetta ??

24. All India Radioge Secreta ??

25. Dummyge Kobba ??

26. Benkige AC na ??

27. Fish ge snaanana..

28. Mirror ge reflectionna..

29. Aalada marakke nerala..

30. Shabari ge 'Just A Minute'a..

31. Karnange daanana..

32. Shakuni ge frauda..

33. Gandhi ge Non-Violence speecha..

34. Clinton ge scama...

35. Laloo ge hulla.....

36. Saeed Anwar ge gadda na

37. Jailor ge shiskse na..?

38. Judge ge ordera..?

39. Horlicks ge haala..?

40. Hajamange haircutta..?

41. Kubhakarna nige hasivaaa..?

42. Devvakke hedarike na..?

43. Cigarate ge hoge na..?

44. Kurudange Ray-Bana??

45. Doctor ge prescriptionna??

46. DP ge May-Day na??

47. Kumble ge googly na??

48. Kambli ge hairstyla??

49. Moogange 'Silence Please'a ??

50. Ambarish ge enne na ??

51. Kashinath ge 'double-meaning'a??

52. Disco Shanthige Seerena ?? (These two rock)

53. Triller manju ge Dupa??

54. Rajkumarge BackGround Voica??

55. Shivarajkumar ge kadige na

56. M F Hussain ge paintinga

57. Nayi ge bow bowa..

58. Ravichandran film ge 'SET'a

59. Director ge 'action'na??

60. Cameraman ge photo na??

61. Prema ge 'High heels'a??

62. Upendrange Directora??

63. Prabhudevange choreographerra??

64. Nagan gee Spotaa??

Monday, September 8, 2008

Jim Corbett - A true hero..!!

Jim Corbett, the most famous hunter and tracker of big game, yet also an ardent conservationist, was responsible for the killing of many man-eating tigers over a thirty year period. Upon his arrival at the village where a man eating tiger had taken her last victim, he found the area, a virtual ghost town, with villagers locked inside their huts with no one having ventured outside for a week. The tigress roamed the roads near the village roaring and terrifying villagers; when Corbett shot her and became an instant folk hero.

I have read Man-Eaters of Kumaon, The Temple Tiger and many more books that describe how he hunted down man eaters. His precision on hunting the man eaters down, tracking their movements, planning his kill and also paying homage to the dead simply make this guy a legend..!!!

I intend to visit the Jim Corbett National Park at least once before I die and experience what the great man did for the poor folks who feared man eaters..!!